Store 1:
1 - Wisk - $5.00
6 - Suave Kids Shampoo - $2.00

1 - Wrigley's 5 gum - $1.50
Total retail: $28.90
(The cashier only rang up 10 of my tic-tacs! So, total register price before coupons was $25 (it was actually $23.50 - had to grab the Wrogley's gum to use my $5/$25). I didn't realize the boo-boo on the tic-tacs or I would've had them scan the other 6. That's what happens when you drag all 4 kids with you to the store! lol)
Coupons used:
1 - $5/$25 DG coupon
1 - $2/1 Wisk
3 - BOGO suave kids ($2 each)
5 - $1/2 Tic tacs (I had 8 of them for the 16 that I bought - 3 of them didn't scan obviously but the lady kept them. :( I didn't realize it until I got home.)
Total coupons: $18.00
Total OOP = $7.58
Savings of 62%
Store 2:
8 - Hefty One-Zip sandwich bags - $1.00

8 - Snuggle dryer sheets - $1.00
5 - French's Worchestershire - $1.00
Total Retail: $29.00
Coupons used:
1 - $5/$25 DG coupon
8 - $1/2 any Hefty
8 - $0.75/1 Snuggle
5 - $0.75/1 French's Worchestershire
Total coupons: $22.75
Total OOP = $6.62
Savings of 78%

Total OOP for both: $14.20
Total savings for both: $43.70
Savings of 75% combined!
I had an awesome cashier at my second store (the first wasn't bad, just not awesome). He was a younger guy, but was very friendly and was amazed by my savings and knowledge of the coupon policy (he didn't know you can't use DG store coupons with the $5/$25). All in all a good day. :)